It has been a while since we last wrote to you. Staff has been busy trying to assist our patrons with book and movie requests. All items coming into this library must be in quarantine for four days to ensure we are not passing on the COVID 19 virus with the materials. This is our library world at present.
We are continuing to also anticipate the needs of our local school district and students. This will be a year of adjustments for all of us. Our plan, at present, is to create a small learning center for those students who do not have internet service at home and plan to attend school via virtual classes. Our library is small so space is limited as is seating. As the need presents itself we will adjust to the best of our ability. Anyone who would have time to donate to oversee this project please feel free to contact the library during our open hours. This is one of those times when it will take a village to educate our children.
As to library operations, we are continuing with our limited hours. Again, our space is the issue. We are only able to have up to 8 people in the library at the same time, all practicing the required social distancing. Masks are a must, and while we have public computers available we encourage patience as we schedule times for the children to game, but we always allow full access to all adults for essential job applications, paying bills, searching for information necessary to their lives.
Come see us, Monday-Friday Noon to 5:00 p.m. As our hours adapt to this situation we will keep you informed. Stay healthy!