We are still working on the web page. There seems to be a difference of opinion as to when it works, mostly never, and when it doesn’t work, almost always. Please be patient as we continue the good fight with technology.
As to where we have been, our director has been experiencing health issues within her family. In May her husband had two heart attacks, suffered total kidney failure and was placed on dialysis, then he had open heart surgery followed with several long weeks of physical therapy. It has taken several months of hard work to ensure his healing. Thank goodness he was able to receive treatment and rehab through the Wichita VA Hospital.
We are hoping the blog will continue to work. So we will be posting to this area to keep you current on library happenings. We have the American Red Cross Bloodmobile coming on January 16th. They will be taking blood donations from noon to about 7:00pm by appointment. We hope that you will contact the Red Cross and sign up to donate at one of the area locations. If you miss this time at the library please schedule for April 13th by contacting them. Thank you for donating. The director’s husband received several pints of blood during his surgery and recovery. Your time and donations are appreciated.
Again, we ask for your understanding as we continue to deal with the issues of our web page. I can assure you we are trying to get it functional again. What is really bad is when the webmaster is locked out also. Ah, so much for technology.