In Kansas you are never quite certain how the weather for the day will take shape. March crept in like a lamb, so I hope that won’t mean it will roar out like a lion. Our community has been tortured enough these past weeks with great loss of personal property and uncertainty as to when the next home invasion will occur. It is sad to think that our hard earned money is spent on necessities only to have the items stolen, pawned, sold, or worse burned. Surely there must be a better way to spend time other than taking things that don’t belong to them and upsetting the entire community. The school kids are even exhibiting the sense of personal safety. It is sad when a child cannot go to church for youth group without fear of being jumped by a bunch of wanna be thugs. The world has changed and I am not so sure it has been for the betterment of our world. These are my thoughts. If frustration is getting to you come to the library and check out a good book or movie. Always works wonders for us! Till next time………..